
Monday, 13 January 2014

New Year Battle Report - 6mm Franco-Prussian Game

We have not posted for nearly a year! This will change.

We have been very busy over the last 12 months with various projects, but we are pleased to say that our 6mm Franco-Prussian armies are now pretty much completed. We have also spent time getting our terrain right, including investing in Kalistra hex boards.

To indulge ourselves and parade our new kit, we had a straight forward fictitious battle, fighting over a major roadway in hilly farming country.

Claude fielded a Corps of 2 Divisions and attached cavalry Brigades, whilst Old Fritz fielded 2 Prussian Divisions, a Cavalry Division and a Division of Bavarian allies. A large Corps Artillery Reserve was also present, although unused through out the game. All told just over 100 bases of all troop types on the table!

A view from the French lines looking towards the Prussian Right flank - on the extreme left the Prussian Cavalry, then 3 brigades of Prussian Infantry totaling 18 battalions!

A view from the French Left flank. A Brigade of infantry, led by Turco's, marches on to the table flanked by its Divisional artillery and an attached brigade of Lancers!

The mass of the Prussian Corps Artillery Reserve waiting to be called into action, sadly a call never made! In front of them are 3 battalions of the 1st West Prussian Grenadier Regt and on their right just in shot 3 battalions of The Westphalian Fusilier Regt. Even at this scale the trained eye can make out the contrasting white and grey equipment straps of each regt.

A shot from the French right flank. The light blue of a battalion of Turco's stands out in the massed ranks of the line battalions. Great to see the tri-colours flickering in the wind!

The Prussian Cavalry Division on the right flank. Cuirassiers to the front, Hussars and Uhlans behind.

A view of the Bavarian columns advancing to deploy on the Prussian left flank.

The two sides race towards the walled farm, French in the distance, Prussians in the foreground.

A better shot of the French column advancing on the walled farm!

The Prussian General staff view the Gallic hordes!

The French right flank Division closes on the deployed Bavarians. True to history the French Chassepot rifle out ranged the Bavarian smoothbore muskets and through the game Bavarian battalions fell back as the casulties mounted!

A view of the battle developing in the center, as 2 French brigades charge across the fields towards the Prussian line behind the stone walls. Prussian 4pdr field battery opens up!

On the Prussian right flank, 3 batteries open fire on the French starting to deploy for an attack on the walled farm. Again the French Chassepot came into its own and steady fire forced the Prussian guns to fall back after a few rounds!

Back to the center, the French assault closes in under the watchful eye of the French Commander in Chief.

As the French continue their advance, the Prussians rush 2 batteries into the gap left by a battalion that has given way!

A shot from behind the French lines on the left flank. A mitrailleuse battery is engulfed in smoke as it engages the enemy! Shortly afterwards, true to form, it jammed!!

Hope you enjoy these pic's. We would welcome any comments or thoughts.

New projects are underway, and the next battle is lined up, an ACW encounter in 15mm using the Longstreet rule set. We hope you will follow us to the next engagement.

Old Fritz.